Senate State Government Committee
Tuesday, March 25, 2025 | 12 p.m.
Room 8E-A, East Wing
12:00 p.m. Gavel in and Call to Order
- Senate Resolution 46, P.N. 378 (Martin) – Urges congress to end biannual clock changes and institute year-round standard or daylight savings time.
- Senate Bill 225, P.N. 377 (Dush) – Provides for business owners to be compensated for loss of goodwill accumulated in their businesses operation if their business operation is seized by eminent domain.
- Senate Bill 472, P.N. 427 (Phillips-Hill) – Grants an “acting secretary” the title of “Deputy – Head of Department.”, limits the time a deputy head can serve to 90 days, places other limitations on the Deputy – Head of Department, and requires them to appear during budget hearings.