Upcoming Meetings & Hearings
Past Meetings & Hearings
Meeting to consider SB 1235 and SB 1277; and HB 71
Meeting to consider SB 766, SB 1260 and SB 1271
Meeting to consider SB1138 and SB 1183
Meeting to consider SB 525, SB 800, SB 1108 and SR 77
Senate Hearing on Office of Administration Data Loss set for Wednesday
The Senate Communications and Technology Committee, chaired by Sen. Tracy Pennycuick (R-24), and the Senate State Government Committee, chaired by Sen. Cris Dush (R-25), will hold a joint public hearing this week on the recent Office of Administration (OA) server data loss. [Read More]
Chairman Dush Brings In ‘Heavy Hitters’ to Prove ‘ERIC’ Not Needed
The Senate State Government Committee, chaired by Sen. Cris Dush (R-25), convened a public hearing on Wednesday to receive testimony from Florida Secretary of State Cord Byrd and Ohio Secretary of State Frank LaRose regarding the departure from the Electronic Registration and Information Center (ERIC) by their respective states. [Read More]
Dush, State Government Committee to Question Ohio, Florida Secretaries of State on Leaving ‘ERIC’
PA State Government Committee Chairman Sen. Cris Dush (R-25) will convene a public hearing to receive testimony from Florida Secretary of State Cord Byrd and Ohio Secretary of State Frank LaRose concerning best practices for cleaning and maintaining voter lists, problems with outsourcing this task to private corporations, and their respective state’s departures from the Electronic Registration and Information Center (ERIC). [Read More]
Chairman Dush, Senate State Government Committee Vote to Confirm Al Schmidt as Secretary of the Commonwealth
Fulfilling the constitutional responsibility of fully vetting executive branch nominees, today, Chairman Cris Dush (R-25) and members of the PA Senate State Government Committee voted by a near unanimous, bipartisan margin of 10-1 to confirm Al Schmidt as Secretary of the Commonwealth. [Read More]
Final Al Schmidt Confirmation Voting Meeting Scheduled for June 26
PA Senate State Government Committee Chairman Sen. Cris Dush (R-25) will convene a voting meeting to consider the confirmation of Al Schmidt as Secretary of the Commonwealth. [Read More]


The State Government Committee has broad oversight over the executive branch, including the Office of the Governor, the Departments of State and General Services, as well as the Civil Service, Historical and Museum, and State Ethics Commissions.
The committee is also responsible for developing and approving legislation relating to campaigns and elections, ethics and transparency in state government, constitutional amendments, and state procurement and land sales.